COURSE: MT 34801 Information Systems: Applications Overview [Course Syllabus]
PROF:Barbara Mikolajczak [Contact]

.:: View Course Syllabus ::.

NOTE: If this is your first immersive class and feel overwhelmed, do not panic. This is the first class of the semester and there is time allotted in the syllabus to become comfortable in an immersive environment.



MT 34801 Information Systems: Applications Overview is an Immersive Education course: the course takes place online in a virtual world (synthetic immersive environment). Complete the steps below at the start of tonight's class so that you are READY to meet virtually at 8pm ET. In other words, you have until 8pm to complete the steps below so that you can meet with the professor online (virtually) at that time. Approximate time estimates are given for each step below so that you can keep pace. The professor will be monitoring your progress until 8pm and then we will being lecture at 8pm.

NOTE: If this is your first immersive class and feel overwhelmed, do not panic. This is the first class of the semester and there is time allotted in the syllabus to become comfortable in an immersive environment..

NOTE: If you are unable to to complete the steps below for any reason BE SURE to contact Prof. Mikolajczak immediately via email at

1) Click here now to review the course syllabus. [15 minutes]

2) Purchase the digital course textbook that is listed on the course syllabus. [15 minutes]
*the digital textbook will be discussed at 8pm. Be sure to have your PayPal transaction number available*

3) Visit and read about Immersive Education. [15 mins]

4) Sign up for a Yahoo email address to be used to this class only. You can abandon the email address after this semester. [15 minutes]

5) Sign up for the Class Yahoo Group at using your Yahoo email address from Step 4 above. [15 minutes]

6) Notes on how to sign up for a Yahoo email address and the class list can be found at

7) Install Flash from here if you don't already have the most up to date version. [15 minutes]

8) Use your FULL NAME (first and last name) to sign into the "Audio Whiteboard" here and say hello to your fellow classmates using the text chat area. Use your headset/microphone to say hello using audio as well. Experiment with the text and drawing tools that appear on the right-hand side of the Audio Whiteboard until the professor arrives. [15 minutes]

NOTE: The professor will sign into the Audio Whiteboard at 8pm at which point you should have completed all of the above steps. The remainder of tonight's class takes place in the Audio Whiteboard.

NOTE: If this is your first immersive class and feel overwhelmed, do not panic. This is the first class of the semester and there is time allotted in the syllabus to become comfortable in an immersive environment.


Note: You MUST have a headset/microphone to take this class (approx $15 at stores such as Radio Shack). If your computer has a built-in microphone you may use ear buds (such as iPod earbuds) or simply a headset. In any case you can NOT have an "open mic" in this class: the audio you hear MUST come through a headset or ear buds (not through a speaker; the audio is picked up by your microphone in such cases and creates feedback).


For the next class:

+ Read up on how to take a screenshot:
+ Macintosh and Windows:
+ Note: Mac places shot on desktop; Windows must be pasted into graphics program
Practive taking screenshots but you do NOT have to present them to class next week.

+ Join Immersive Education Initiative at

+ Buy a headset/microphone or ear buds (assuming you have a built-in microphone)

+ Buy Digital textbook (see Syllabus)

+ Sign up for Yahoo Email Address to be used to class (see Syllabus)

+ Join Yahoo Group (see Syllabus)

+ Install Firefox (

+ Install Flash for Firefox (see Class #1 notes)

+ Test Firefox

+ Flash using the Audio Whiteboard

+ Watch ALL of the iED videos at

+ If you have a YouTube account subscribe to the iED channel: